Buying In Philly

Your Guide to Buying Your First Home In Philadelphia

I decided I'm buying a house... now what!?

Take a deep breath and follow these simple steps...

The Checklist

You've decided to buy, but before you dive head first into Zillow, you need to figure out what kind of home you'll be searching for! Use our free checklist to identify your buying criteria.

The Pre-Approval

You know what you want, now it's time to see if you can actually afford it. Learn more about why having a pre-approval is so important and how to find a trustworthy lender.

The Search

Find a trustworthy agent who knows the areas that you want to buy in! If you don't know where to start, check out our neighborhood overviews to get a better idea.

The Offer

Once you find the home you've been searching for, you'll want to put in a competitive offer so that you don't lose it. Get our "10 Steps for a Competitive Offer" to learn more.

The Review

Your offer was accepted! Congrats! So... what's next? Be prepared to coordinate a home inspection and appraisal in order to receive a mortgage commitment!

The Philadelphia Buyer's Guide

Get the full guide to buying Philly real estate for free!
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